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Mutation testing

Mutation testing (or Mutation analysis or Program mutation) is used to design new software tests and evaluate the quality of existing software tests. Mutation testing involves modifying a program in small ways. Each mutated version is called a mutant and tests detect and reject mutants by causing the behavior of the original version to differ from the mutant. This is called killing the mutant. Test suites are measured by the percentage of mutants that they kill. New tests can be designed to kill additional mutants. Mutants are based on well-defined mutation operators that either mimic typical programming errors (such as using the wrong operator or variable name) or force the creation of valuable tests (such as dividing each expression by zero). The purpose is to help the tester develop effective tests or locate weaknesses in the test data used for the program or in sections of the code that are seldom or never accessed during execution. Mutation testing is a form of white-box testing.

Most of this article is about "program mutation", in which the program is modified. A more general definition of mutation analysis is using well-defined rules defined on syntactic structures to make systematic changes to software artifacts. Mutation analysis has been applied to other problems, but is usually applied to testing. So mutation testing is defined as using mutation analysis to design new software tests or to evaluate existing software tests. Thus, mutation analysis and testing can be applied to design models, specifications, databases, tests, XML, and other types of software artifacts, although program mutation is the most common.

Tests can be created to verify the correctness of the implementation of a given software system, but the creation of tests still poses the question whether the tests are correct and sufficiently cover the requirements that have originated the implementation. (This technological problem is itself an instance of a deeper philosophical problem named "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" ["Who will guard the guards?"].) In this context, mutation testing was pioneered in the 1970s to locate and expose weaknesses in test suites. The theory was that if a mutant was introduced without the behavior (generally output) of the program being affected, this indicated either that the code that had been mutated was never executed (dead code) or that the test suite was unable to locate the faults represented by the mutant. For this to function at any scale, a large number of mutants usually are introduced into a large program, leading to the compilation and execution of an extremely large number of copies of the program. This problem of the expense of mutation testing had reduced its practical use as a method of software testing, but the increased use of object oriented programming languages and unit testing frameworks has led to the creation of mutation testing tools for many programming languages as a way to test individual portions of an application.

