The music of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is the film and television scores composed by various composers for the films and television series of that franchise. Ramin Djawadi provided the first MCU music with his original score for Iron Man in 2008. Alan Silvestri was the first composer to work on multiple MCU films after he transitioned from scoring Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) to Marvel's The Avengers (2012), while Brian Tyler was the first composer to reference the work of another MCU composer when he quoted Silvestri's "Captain America March" in his score for Thor: The Dark World (2013).
Original music has also been composed for the Marvel One-Shots short film series, and other related projects of the MCU, including the fanfares for the two Marvel Studios logos, composed by Tyler and Michael Giacchino, respectively. Additionally, original songs have been created specifically for use in the franchise, including "Make Way For Tomorrow, Today" by Richard M. Sherman and "Star Spangled Man" by Alan Menken and David Zippel, both of which have been used in multiple MCU projects. The scores for every MCU film and television series have received album releases, and several compilation albums featuring existing songs used in the films have also been released.
Critical response to the MCU's music has been mixed-to-negative, with focus placed on a lack of memorable, identifiable themes that are comparable to other large media franchises, and on the lack of continuity between works. Despite this, some critics have shown appreciation for the individual work of some of the more traditional composers like Silvestri, and for Tyler's efforts in attempting to establish a consistent tone for the franchise and some thematic continuity between his scores and Silvestri's work.