The Murrays (or Morays) of Aberscross (or Aberscors) were a minor noble Scottish family who were seated at Aberscross Castle, in the county of Sutherland, Scotland.
Despite their name, this Murray family were not part of the Clan Murray in Atholl but were in fact a sept of the Clan Sutherland, whose chiefs were the Earls of Sutherland. The Earls of Sutherland were originally a family named "de Moravia", meaning "of Moray" or "of Murray" and shared a common ancestor with the chiefs of the Clan Murray in Atholl. The Murrays of Aberscross or Aberscors seem to have arrived in Sutherland in 1198.
As septs of the Clan Sutherland, the Murrays of Aberscross were the principal vassals of the Earls of Sutherland and were charged with the defense of the shire. The Murrays of Aberscross led the Clan Sutherland in many battles during the 15th and 16th centuries, mostly against the Clan Mackay, including the Battle of Drumnacoub in 1431 where Angus Moray of Aberscross was killed. Neil Murray of Aberscross led the Clan Sutherland at the Battle of Skibo and Strathfleet in 1480 against the Clan Donald.
Later in the early 16th century a younger son of the Earl of Huntly, chief of Clan Gordon married an heiress of the last de Moravia Earl of Sutherland. The Murrays of Aberscross then supported the new Gordon Earls of Sutherland at a number of battles including the Battle of Torran Dubh in 1517, and the Battle of Alltachuilain in 1518 where John Murray of Aberscross led the clan and was victorious on both occasions. Murray of Aberscross was then offered women in marriage for his loyalty by the new Gordon Earls of Sutherland but he declined the offer. Historian Robert Mackay states that: "The year 1518 Adam (Gordon) Earl of Sutherland gave unto John Murray of Aberscors (Shiberscross), for his two sons Hugh and Thomas, the ward and marriage of Janet Clyne, and of her sister Elizabeth, the daughters and heirs of William Clyne of Clyne: all which and more did John Murray and his children deserve at Earl Adam his hands for their good service in defence of his earldom and country".