Murdered by My Father is a one-off British drama written by Vinay Patel, directed by Bruce Goodison and produced by Toby Welch, and starring Adeel Akhtar and Kiran Sonia Sawar, that first aired on BBC One in March 2016. The drama tells the story of a honour killing of a British Asian Muslim teenage girl by her father.
Widowed father Shahzad (Adeel Akhtar) is bringing up two children, Salma (Kiran Sonia Sawar) and Hassan (Reiss Jeram), alone. Teenager Salma has been promised to Haroon (Salman Akhtar) in an arranged marriage but she falls in love with Imi (Mawaan Rizwan). Following a confrontation with Haroon and with men from the community, Shahzad murders his daughter and kills himself.
The cast include:
Ceri Redford, writing in The Daily Telegraph, described the drama as "nuanced and unbearably heart-breaking" and "a brave piece of television". Kasia Delgado, in the Radio Times, wrote that the drama "deserves a Bafta [award] for depicting this very real issue so brilliantly".