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Multiplicative number theory

Multiplicative number theory is a subfield of analytic number theory that deals with prime numbers and with factorization and divisors. The focus is usually on developing approximate formulas for counting these objects in various contexts. The prime number theorem is a key result in this subject. The Mathematics Subject Classification for multiplicative number theory is 11Nxx.

Multiplicative number theory deals primarily in asymptotic estimates for arithmetic functions. Historically the subject has been dominated by the prime number theorem, first by attempts to prove it and then by improvements in the error term. The Dirichlet divisor problem that estimates the average order of the divisor function d(n) and Gauss's circle problem that estimates the average order of the number of representations of a number as a sum of two squares are also classical problems, and again the focus is on improving the error estimates.

The distribution of primes numbers among residue classes modulo an integer is an area of active research. Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions shows that there are an infinity of primes in each co-prime residue class, and the prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions shows that the primes are asymptotically equidistributed among the residue classes. The Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem gives a more precise measure of how evenly they are distributed. There is also much interest in the size of the smallest prime in an arithmetic progression; Linnik's theorem gives an estimate.

