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Multiple complex developmental disorder

Multiple complex developmental disorder (MCDD) is a research category, proposed to involve several neurological and psychological symptoms where at least some symptoms are first noticed during early childhood and persist throughout life. It was originally suggested to be a subtype of autistic spectrum disorders (PDD) with co-morbid schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder; however, there is some controversy that not everyone with MCDD meets criteria for both PDD and psychosis. The term multiplex developmental disorder was coined by Donald J. Cohen in 1986.

The current diagnostic criteria for MCDD are a matter of debate due to it not being in the DSM-IV or ICD-10. Various websites contain various diagnostic criteria. At least three of the following categories should be present. Co-occurring clusters of symptoms must also not be better explained by being symptoms of another disorder such as experiencing mood swings due to autism, cognitive difficulties due to schizophrenia, and so on. The exact diagnostic criteria for MCDD remain unclear but may be a useful diagnosis for people who do not fall into any specific category. It could also be argued that MCDD is a vague and unhelpful term for these patients.

Criteria are met for a psychotic disorder.

Some symptoms may include:

These symptoms are not due to situations such as, person is depressed because of difficulty making friends. It is normal to experience dysfunctional emotions and behaviors at times. Criteria are met for a neurotic or personality disorder, preferably at least two.

Some symptoms may include:

Criteria are met for an autistic spectrum disorder.

Some symptoms may include:

Because these are frequently found in cases of autistic disorders, criteria could be met for multiple neurological disorders, or cause severe symptoms.

Some examples include:

Multiple complex developmental disorder is likely to be caused by a number of different various genetic factors. Each individual with MCDD is unique from one another and displays different symptoms. Various neuropsychological disorders can also be found in family members of people with MCDD.

