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Filename extension .sid
Internet media type image/x-mrsid, image/x.mrsid, image/x-mrsid-image
Developed by LizardTech
Latest release
MG4 (MrSID Generation 4)
Type of format Lossless or lossy bitmap image format
Website www.lizardtech.com/developer/

MrSID (pronounced Mister Sid) is an acronym that stands for multiresolution seamless image database. It is a file format (filename extension .sid) developed and patented by LizardTech for encoding of georeferenced raster graphics, such as orthophotos.

MrSID originated as the result of research efforts at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).

MrSID was originally developed for geographic information systems (GIS). With this format, large raster image files such as aerial photographs or satellite imagery are compressed and can be quickly viewed without having to decompress the entire file.

The MrSID (.sid) format is supported in major GIS applications such as Autodesk, Bentley Systems, CARIS, ENVI, ERDAS, ESRI, Intergraph, MapInfo, and QGIS.

According to the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (which releases GDAL), MrSID was developed "under the aegis of the U.S. government for storing fingerprints for the FBI."

