Movie Masters is an action figure toyline from Mattel based on popular movie franchises most notably DC Comics. The line has featured characters from the films Superman, Avatar, The Dark Knight trilogy, Green Lantern, and Man of Steel. Figures in the line are sculpted by Four Horsemen Studios, who also sculpted figures for Mattel's DC Superheroes and DC Universe Classics lines.
In June 2008, these figures are based on the film The Dark Knight and its predecessor Batman Begins.
These figures (with the exception of Joker as Gotham City Thug) were also available at Toys "R" Us beginning in April, 2010.
These figures are based on the 2011 Green Lantern film starring Ryan Reynolds.
These figures are based on the 2012 film The Dark Knight Rises. Each figure included a set piece to create the Bat-Signal featured in the series.
In May 2013, these figures were released based on the film Man of Steel.
These figures are exclusive to and are based on the 1978 film Superman.
These figures are exclusive to and are based on the 2011 film Green Lantern.