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Montenegrin Football Championship (1922–1940)

Montenegrin Football Championship
Montenegro, Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Number of Seasons
Level on Pyramid
Level 2 / Level 3
Last Champions 1939-40
Balšić Podgorica

The Montenegrin Football Championship (Montenegrin: Prvijenstvo Crne Gore) was the only football league competition in Montenegro (then Zeta Banovina), during the Kingdom of Yugoslavia era. Championship existed from 1925 to 1940, under the names Prvijenstvo Zetske i Primorske banovine (1922-1930) and Prvijenstvo Cetinjskog nogometnog podsaveza (1930-1940).

From 1922 to 1930, championship was the third level of football in Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In period 1930-1940, Montenegrin Football Championship, under the Cetinjski nogometni podsavez (Cetinje Football Association) was the second-tier league competition in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

In period 1922-1930, Championship of Montenegro (Prvijenstvo Zetske i Primorske banovine) was the third-tier competition in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. It was organised by Splitski nogometni podsavez (regional association with the seat in Split). During every year, two seasons were played (spring and autumn).

In period 1930-1940, Championship of the Cetinje Football SUbassociation (Prvijenstvo Cetinjskog nogometnog podsaveza) was the second-tier competition in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. It was organised by Cetinjski nogometni podsavez (regional association with the seat in Cetinje).


