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Monster X (band)

Monster X were a straight edge grindcore band from Albany, New York.

The band formed in 1992 out of the ashes of Intent, and PNA. Members of MX Went on to play in Dropdead, Devoid Of Faith, Das Oath, and By The Throat. The Band were one of the few straightedge bands not playing the typical mosh core sound of the time period. Instead the band played fast, brutal guttural powerviolence grindcore.

MX were also known for their thought provoking lyrics, which took on many of the political and social issues of the day. On top of that they wrote about their personal choice to live a drug-free straight edge life. They wrote about their support for the legalization of drugs, and their intolerance for organized religion. The krishna movement had become pretty big within the hardcore punk scene at this time. Monster X made it known how they felt about religion in punk rock.

Vocalist John Moran Did many of the bands releases on his label Hater Of God. Guitarist Nate Wilson did the posi youth 7” on his label Gloom Records.

The band played their final show in 1998 at the Monster X house with Dropdead, and Skinless.

