In mathematics, in particular, the area of number theory, a modular multiplicative inverse of an integer a is an integer x such that the product ax is congruent to 1 with respect to the modulus m. In the standard notation of modular arithmetic this congruence is written as
which is the shorthand way of writing the statement that m divides (evenly) the quantity ax − 1, or, put another way, the remainder after dividing ax by the integer m is 1. If a does have an inverse modulo m there are an infinite number of solutions of this congruence which form a congruence class with respect to this modulus. Furthermore, any integer that is congruent to a (i.e., in a's congruence class) will have any element of x's congruence class as a modular multiplicative inverse. Using the notation of to indicate the congruence class containing w, this can be expressed by saying that the modulo multiplicative inverse of the congruence class is the congruence class such that: