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Bar-throated minla (Minla strigula)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Leiothrichidae
Genus: Minla
Hodgson, 1837

Minla ignotincta
Minla strigula
Minla cyanouroptera

Minla ignotincta
Minla strigula
Minla cyanouroptera

The bird genus Minla (from minla, Nepali for M. ignotincta) of the family Leiothrichidae is commonly used for three, most likely unrelated species. The genus is probably best split, with only the red-tailed minla (M. ignotincta) retained in the proposed monotypic genus.

The genus contains the following species:

