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The Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
(Hindi: भारी उद्योग और सार्वजनिक उद्यम मंत्रालय) , a branch of Government of India, administers 48 Central Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) and assists them in their effort to improve capacity utilisation & increase profitability, Generate resources and Re-orient strategies to become more competitive. The department serves as an interface between PSEs and other agencies for long term policy formulation. The department also encourages restructuring of PSEs to make their operations competitive and viable on a long term and sustainable basis.
As of Jul 2016 ,Honorable Minister: Anant Geete, Honorable Minister of State: Babul Supriyo.
As of 2012 the ministry was responsible for the following public sector enterprises:
The Department of Public Enterprises acts as a nodal agency for all Public Sector Enterprises and assists in policy formulation pertaining to the role of PSEs in the economy as also in laying down policy guidelines on performance improvement and evaluation, financial accounting, personnel management and in related areas. It also collects, evaluates and maintains information on several areas in respect of PSEs.The Department has Five constituent Divisions, the Financial Policy Division, the Management Policy Division, the MOU Division, the Administration & Coordination Division and Permanent Machinery of Arbitration.
The role of DPE in issuing guidelines / directives is clearly defined in Report no.-2 of 2013 of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Compliance Audit of General Purpose Financial Reports of Central Public Sector Enterprises.
The directions / instructions are given to CPSEs through Presidential Directives as well as Guidelines issued by Administrative Ministries or DPE. Presidential Directives are issued by the Administrative Ministries to the concerned CPSEs whenever the situation so warrant and are mandatory in nature. For the purpose of maintaining uniformity, such Directives are to be issued in consultation with the DPE if these relate to single CPSE and with the concurrence of the DPE if these are applicable to more than one CPSE.