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Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

The Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (Albanian: Ministria e Mjedisit dhe Planifikimit Hapsinor e Kosovës, Serbian: Министарство Средине и Просторног Планирања, Ministarstvo Sredine i Prostornog Planiranja) is a ministry within the Government of Kosovo. Its areas of responsibility include environment protection, ensuring provision of information about the state of environment, setting preconditions for rational utilization, protection and restoration of natural resources, etc. The minister of the MESP is Dardan Gashi. The ministry has numerous divisions and subordinate institutions responsible for protected areas.

Coordinates activities in the field of environmental protection, in order to promote the coherent development of policies for environmental protection; develops norms and standards and issue guidelines in the field of environmental protection with special respect to international standards; oversees the prosecution of such standards, by carrying out inspections and other services; participates in developing and implementing public information campaigns and other promotional schemes to increase public awareness, etc.

This department consists of four divisions:

Attends with the management of water resources in terms of water use, water protection and protection from the harmful water actions and also creating the water framework for waters.

Ensures implementation of ministry policy through laws and other regulations in the field of spatial planning; coordinates and manages the affairs of the department of professional and administrative aspects.

This department includes in itself the following divisions:

Handles and performs professional services; oversees legislative implementation of the Government policies in the field of housing and construction; monitors and analyzes the areas within its responsibilities; develops and proposes housing strategies, programs and measures for improving the situation in the field of housing and construction; and ensures the execution of programs and corresponding measures.

The Department is divided into three divisions:

It is an integral part of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, and together with the Department of Spatial Planning constitutes the spatial planning sector in Government of Kosovo. It was established in October 2003 by a special act, signed by the former Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning. Within the Institute work professionals from various fields such as architects, geographers, sociologists, biologists, etc.

