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Mine Squadron 7

Mine Squadron 7, (full: Commander, Mine Squadron 7, or alternately Mine Squadron SEVEN) is the designation for a United States Navy minelaying and retrieval command and unit. COMINRON SEVEN was assigned to the United States Pacific Fleet from some time before 1943 (exact date is unknown) until the unit's decommissioning in 1968. The word Commander in the unit's nomenclature refers both the entire unit, the headquarters section, and to the actual commanding officer.

The mission and responsibilities of COMINRON SEVEN's command were:

Exercise operational control; coordinate shakedown and refresher training; coordinate activation and inactivation of ships assigned to Mine Squadron 7; conduct type training and support inter-type training for ships of Mine Squadron 7; provide ships and services to other commands; conduct trials and tests of Mine Squadron 7 ships, mines, and equipment; lay, actuate and recover mines; conduct training of personnel assigned; carry out special assignments as directed; emphasize maintenance and repair of Mine Squadron 7 ships and equipment in order to insure a high state of combat readiness; conduct training in defense against atomic (including radiological), bacteriological and chemical warfare and provide forces for search and rescue as required.

USS Cove (MSI-1) and Cape (MSI-2) were inshore minesweepers. Their mission was to sweep sea mines. They were capable of sweeping magnetic, acoustic, combination magnetic-acoustic and contact sea mines in water as shallow as five fathoms. They operate within the Mine Force as "in service" craft. They also acted as danning ships.

The mission of Greer County (LST-799) was to provide mobile logistic support for minecraft. The ship carried machinery, repair parts, electrical repair parts and tubes, minesweeping spares, GSK material provisions, the ship's store stock, clothing and small stores. The ship also functioned as the flagship for Commander Mine Squadron 7.

