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Leonard Nimoy Spock 1967.jpg
Leonard Nimoy as Spock, a male human/Vulcan hybrid
Home world Vulcan New Vulcan
Official language(s) Vulcan, Vuhlkansu, High Vulcan
Affiliation United Federation of Planets

Vulcans (also Vulcanians) are a fictional extraterrestrial humanoid species in the Star Trek franchise who originate from the planet Vulcan. In the various Star Trek television series and movies, they are noted for their attempt to live by logic and reason with as little interference from emotion as possible. They were the first extraterrestrial species in the Star Trek universe to observe first contact protocol with humans.

Vulcans are depicted as similar in appearance to humans. The main physical differences are their eyebrows and ears: the former are arched and upswept, while the latter feature pinnae that taper to a point at the top. The ears have been the subject of jokes on many occasions. Vulcans have been portrayed as various races. Most caucasoid-like Vulcans (most of those shown throughout the series' runs) typically appear with a subtle greenish hue to their skin, due to Vulcans' copper-based blood, which is green. Other features described include an inner eyelid, or nictitating membrane, which protects their vision from bright lights, an adaptation for their bright, hot home world. In addition, their hearts are located on the right side of the torso, between the ribs and pelvis; as Dr. McCoy once says about Spock: "He is lucky that his heart is where his liver should be, or he'd be dead!" (ST:TOS, "A Private Little War")

Vulcans are vegetarians by choice and were omnivores in ages past. In the Star Trek original series (TOS) episode "All Our Yesterdays", Spock willingly consumes meat; partly as a result of the effects of time travel 5,000 years into the past, and partly because he reasons there is no other suitable food available given the harsh, ice-age climate in which they are trapped; he later expresses regret at his consumption of the meat. Vulcans are repeatedly stated to be herbivorous in the TAS episode "The Slaver Weapon", by the carnivorous Kzinti. Vulcans do not like to touch their food with their hands, preferring to use utensils whenever possible (though there are numerous cases where Vulcans have broken this rule). It is a Vulcan custom for guests in the home to prepare meals for their hosts (Star Trek: Enterprise episode: “Home”).

