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Middle East Reformed Fellowship

Middle East Reformed Fellowship is a missionary organization evangelizing the Middle East, North Africa and now Indonesia on behalf of Reformed Churches and believers worldwide.

The Middle East Reformed Fellowship has been registered in the Republic of Cyprus since 1984 as a religious, non-profit and non-political charitable organisation. The Fellowship serves in the Middle East, North Africa and, more recently, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Somalia, Tanzania and Kenya on behalf of Reformed Churches and believers worldwide. It is for those who are committed to proclaim the historic Christian faith as expressed in the early ecumenical creeds and the confessions of the Calvinist Reformation.

Its international headquarters is located at the John Calvin Centre in Larnaca, Cyprus.

The Fellowship is administered by seven directors representing the Fellowship's International Council which is composed of leaders from both its Field and Support Committees. The General Director is the Reverend Victor Atallah, based in Larnaca, from where he travels extensively promoting and encouraging the work of the Fellowship.

The Bible and the historic reformed confessions form the theological basis for the Fellowship, which aims to "declare the whole counsel of God". These confessions include the Canons of Dort, Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism and Westminster Confession.

Outreach is through indigenous evangelists sponsored by their own national reformed churches, as they know the circumstances, language and culture of their own people. They are accepted as part of their community, and do not return to a foreign country on furlough.

