Microvias are used as the interconnects between layers in high density interconnect (HDI) substrates and printed circuit boards (PCBs) to accommodate the high input/output (I/O) density of advanced packages. Driven by portability and wireless communications, the electronics industry strives to produce affordable, light, and reliable products with increased functionality. At the electronic component level, this translates to components with increased I/Os with smaller footprint areas (e.g. flip-chip packages, chip-scale packages, and direct chip attachments), and on the printed circuit board and package substrate level, to the use of high density interconnects (HDIs) (e.g. finer lines and spaces, and smaller vias).
IPC standards define microvias as blind or buried vias with a diameter equal to or less than 150 μm. With the advent of smartphones and hand-held electronic devices, microvias have evolved from single-level to stacked microvias that cross over multiple HDI layers. Sequential build-up (SBU) technology is used to fabricate HDI boards. The HDI layers are usually built up from a traditionally manufactured double-sided core board or multilayer PCB. The HDI layers are built on both sides of the traditional PCB one by one with microvias. The SBU process consists of several steps: layer lamination, via formation, via metallization, and via filling. There are multiple choices of materials and/or technologies for each step.
Microvias can be filled with different materials and processes: (1) filled with epoxy resin (b-stage) during a sequential lamination process step; (2) filled with non-conductive or conductive material other than copper as a separate processing step; (3) plated closed with electroplated copper; (4) screen printed closed with a copper paste. Buried microvias are required to be filled, while blind microvias on the external layers usually do not have any fill requirements. A stacked microvia is usually filled with electroplated copper to make electrical interconnections between multiple HDI layers and provide structural support for the outer level(s) of the microvia or for a component mounted on the outermost copper pad.
The reliability of HDI structure is one of the major constraints for its successful widespread implementation in the PCB industry. Good thermo-mechanical reliability of microvias is an essential part of HDI reliability. Many researchers and professionals have studied the reliability of microvas in HDI PCBs. The reliability of microvas depends on many factors such as microvia geometry parameters, dielectric material properties, and processing parameters.