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Michigan Virtual University

According to its website, Michigan Virtual University (MVU) was established in 1998 by the State of Michigan. MVU is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation and is governed by an independent Board of Directors composed of individuals representing business, industry, higher education, K-12 education and state government. MVU provides online educational tools, resources and courses for middle and high school students, parents and K-12 educators. MVU also provides Michigan’s K-12 educators access to high-quality online courses and resources to meet professional development requirements and earn State Continuing Education Clock Hours.

In 1998, the State of Michigan founded Michigan Virtual University to support the state’s economic development efforts by providing convenient and cost-effective education and training to Michigan’s current and future workforce.

MVU began to serve Michigan’s K-12 community with online instructional services as a result of Public Act 230 of 2000. In 2005, the Michigan Virtual School was awarded accreditation by the North Central Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA) and the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation (CITA). MVS's accreditation was renewed in 2010.

In 2003, in partnership with Michigan Department of Education, MVU created Michigan LearnPort, a web-based portal that provides low-cost and no-cost online professional development opportunities for Michigan’s K-12 community, higher education and for organizations not directly affiliated with K-12 or higher education.

In 2012, the Governor of Michigan and Michigan Legislature passed legislation requiring the Michigan Virtual University to establish a center for online learning research and innovation, known as the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute.

After redefining its mission and vision in 2004, MVU now serves the K-12 education community exclusively through the Michigan Virtual School, Michigan LearnPort and Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute.

Michigan Virtual School (MVS): The Michigan Virtual School is an online resource that enables Michigan high schools and middle schools to provide courses (all taught by certified teachers) and other learning tools that students wouldn't otherwise have access to. It was funded by the Michigan Legislature in July 2000 to be operated by the Michigan Virtual University, a private, not-for-profit Michigan corporation. MVS works in cooperation with individual school districts to grant course credit and diplomas. Through MVS, Michigan high school and middle school students can take a variety of courses and learn any place there is a computer and an Internet connection.

As one of the largest virtual schools in the U.S., Michigan Virtual School offers more than 150 online courses, including unique courses like Chinese and CareerForward, an online career exploration course.

