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Michigan Militia

Michigan Militia
Active 1994 - present
Ideology Survivalism

Norman Olson 1994-1995
Lynn Van Huizen 1996-1998
Joe Pilchack 1998-1999
Ron Gaydosh 2000
Gordon Dean 2001
Clint Dare 2002-2009
Aubrey Stevens 2009-2010
Greg Sequin 2010-2011

Matt Savino 2011-present
Area of operations Michigan, United States
Strength Several hundred
Part of Militia movement
Constitutional militia movement

Norman Olson 1994-1995
Lynn Van Huizen 1996-1998
Joe Pilchack 1998-1999
Ron Gaydosh 2000
Gordon Dean 2001
Clint Dare 2002-2009
Aubrey Stevens 2009-2010
Greg Sequin 2010-2011

The Michigan Militia, Michigan Militia Corps (MMC), or the Michigan Militia Corps, Wolverines (MMCW) is a paramilitary organization founded by Norman Olson, a former U.S. Air Force non-commissioned officer, of Alanson, Michigan, United States. The organization was formed around 1994 in response to perceived encroachments by the federal government on the rights of citizens.

The two events that contributed to the formation and growth of the Michigan Militia were the Federal standoff at the Branch Davidian church in Waco, Texas (see Waco Siege) and the Federal standoff with the Weaver family in Ruby Ridge, Idaho. Members of the Michigan Militia believed these events, which involved agents of the FBI and BATF, were alarming shows of force by the federal government against citizens who had not committed any federal crimes, but were targeted for having views contrary to those in government at the time. In addition, several gun control laws passed during the early years of the Clinton Administration increased fears amongst citizens that their Second Amendment rights were being curtailed by the federal government.

The Michigan Militia was formally organized with the name, Michigan Militia Corps, and a mascot, the wolverine, Michigan's state animal. The MMC was initially divided into four divisions, each having a regional name. The division names were:

