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Michael Hudson (professor)

Michael Craig Hudson (born 2 June 1938) is an American political scientist, the Director of the Middle East Institute and Professor of Political Science at the National University of Singapore. He is also Professor Emeritus at Georgetown University, where he was Professor of International Relations since 1979 and Saif Ghobash Professor of Arab Studies since 1980 in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. While at Georgetown, Hudson served as Director of the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies intermittently for over twenty years, most recently from 2007 to 2010.

Michael C. Hudson received his Bachelor of Arts from Swarthmore College in 1959 and his Master of Arts and Ph.D. in Political Science from Yale University in 1960 and 1964, respectively. In 1961, he received a Certificate in Arabic from Princeton University. While studying for his PhD at Yale, Hudson specialized in comparative politics and international relations with his advisor, the renowned political scientist Karl W. Deutsch. His dissertation was entitled "Political Change in Lebanon: 1943-1963," which would be the basis for his first book The Precarious Republic: Political Modernization in Lebanon.

While conducting fieldwork in Lebanon for his doctoral dissertation, Hudson taught history at the American Community School in Beirut from 1962-1963. Also while completing his doctoral degree, he served as an instructor at Swarthmore College, from 1963-1964. Upon completing his studies at Yale University, Hudson became Assistant Professor at Brooklyn College at the City University of New York, from 1964-1968, and then an Associate Professor (tenured), from 1968-1970. In 1970, he became Associate Professor in the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at the Johns Hopkins University. He remained at SAIS until 1975, when he co-founded the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS) at Georgetown University with a distinguished group of academics, including Hisham Sharabi, John Ruedy, Ibrahim Oweiss, Ambassador Clovis Maksoud, and Dean Peter F. Krogh. Hudson served as the director of CCAS from 1976-1989, and directed it again in 2000, 2003-2006, and 2007-2010.

