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Merritt Lamb

Merritt Udell Lamb was born in Rockford, Michigan on April 4, 1892. Captain Lamb is the founder of scouting in West Michigan; and the 13th Eagle Scout in the nation. Captain Lamb was killed in action during the battle of Juvigny, France, on August 28, 1918; Lamb is currently buried in his hometown of Rockford, MI.

As a boy Merritt joined the Boy's Brigade, which is a junior order of the sons of veterans; By age 13 Merritt became captain of the brigade, and by age 18 Merritt convinced the members of his Brigade to disband and reform as a troop in the newly created Boy Scouts of America. By November 1910 the first unit in West Michigan, "Rockford Troop 1," was formed with Merritt Lamb as the first scoutmaster.

A little less than a year after forming Rockford Troop 1, Merritt Lamb moved to Muskegon, Michigan and started Muskegon Troop 1; again he was the scoutmaster. As time went on and more units formed Merritt moved up in the ranks, becoming Muskegon's first Scout Commissioner, and eventually Muskegon's First Scout executive. Merritt would also move on to be a member of Scoutings National Council.

In the Fall of 1913 Merritt Lamb achieved Scouting's highest honor and became an Eagle Scout. Merritt Lambs attainment of the Eagle Scout rank was the 13th in the nation. In addition to being the 13th Eagle Scout he is also the earliest known and possibly first Eagle Scout in Michigan.

On September 6, 1916 Merritt saved the life of Loyal Plough when he was caught in an undertow during a Troop 1 Scout Outing. Merritt received the Bronze cross for lifesaving from the National Boy Scouts of America for this action. Merritt Lamb was the first person from Michigan to receive the Bronze Cross for Lifesaving.

Merritt was scoutmaster when he joined the Michigan National Guard in 1910. In 1913 Merritt was promoted to corporal. Merritt was commissioned as a second lieutenant in May 1914. Merritt served on the Texas-Mexican Border during Pershing's punitive expedition against Pancho Villa, and helped establish the first Motor Machine Gun Corps. In Texas he also formed a Scout troop.

