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Menachem Shlomo Bornsztain

Menachem Shlomo Bornsztain
Sochatchover-Radomsker Rebbe
Term 1965-1969
Full name Menachem Shlomo Bornsztain (Bornstein)
Born 11 October 1934
Jerusalem, British Mandate of Palestine
Buried Har HaMenuchot, Jerusalem
Predecessor Chanoch Henoch Bornsztain
Successor Shmuel Bornsztain
Father Chanoch Henoch Bornsztain
Mother Freidel
Children Shmuel Bornsztain
Avraham Nosson Bornsztain

Menachem Shlomo Bornsztain (11 October 1934–10 August 1969), also spelled Borenstein, Bornstein, or Bernstein, was the fifth Rebbe of the Sochatchov Hasidic dynasty. He acceded to the position of Rebbe following the death of his father, Rabbi Chanoch Henoch Bornsztain, the fourth Rebbe of Sochatchov. He was officially known as the Sochatchover-Radomsker Rebbe, having also accepted the leadership of the Radomsk Hasidic dynasty upon the request of its surviving Hasidim, whose leaders had been murdered in the Holocaust. He served as Rebbe for only four years; he was killed in a traffic accident at the age of 34.

Bornsztain's father, Rabbi Chanoch Henoch, was the son of Rabbi Shmuel Bornsztain, the Shem MiShmuel, and the grandson of the Avnei Nezer, founder of the Sochatchover dynasty. His mother, Freidel, was a daughter of Rabbi Noson Nochum of Krimelov and a granddaughter of the Kenesses Yechezkel of Radomsk. At his brit milah, which was delayed until his sixth week of life due to illness, he was named Menachem Shlomo after his paternal great-grandfather, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, and his maternal ancestor, Rabbi Shlomo Hakohen Rabinowicz, the Tiferes Shlomo of Radomsk.

As a young child, Bornsztain was noted for his clever mind and ability to express himself. He attended a private Talmud Torah in Jerusalem and became a student at the Knesses Chizkiyahu yeshiva in Zikhron Ya'akov in 1950, where he showed great diligence in his Torah learning. The rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Noah Shimonowitz, arranged chavrusos for him with the yeshiva's top students, as well as with the rosh yeshiva himself, to develop young Bornsztain's abilities. Two years later, when Rabbi Elyah Lopian entered the yeshiva as Mashgiach Ruchani, Bornsztain developed a very close relationship with this Mussar giant.

