This is a list of characters from the visual novel, manga, and anime series Clannad. The main character is Tomoya Okazaki, a male student who became a delinquent after a fight with his father that permanently damaged the tendon in his right arm. There are five heroines in this story: Nagisa Furukawa, a sensitive girl who wants to re-establish the long disbanded theatre club; Kyou Fujibayashi, a violent but thoughtful girl; Kotomi Ichinose, a silent genius who is usually found studying advanced topics; Tomoyo Sakagami, a deliquent transfer student who wants to become the student council president in order to preserve the cherry blossom trees; and Fuko Ibuki, a childish but antisocial girl who carves wooden starfish to distribute to others as inviting them to her sister's wedding. There is also Ushio Okazaki, Tomoya and Nagisa's daughter, who appears primarily in the After Story.
Secondary characters primarily act as supporting characters to further the story of the central characters. Secondary characters include: Yukine Miyazawa, a quiet student often found in the library's reference room; Ryou Fujibayashi; the twin-sister of Kyou, timid and a keen fortune-teller; Youhei Sunohara, the foolish friend of Tomoya's, who frequently starts (and loses) fights with Tomoyo Sakagami; Misae Sagara, the landlady of Youhei's dormitory; Kouko Ibuki, Fuko's older sister; Mei Sunohara, Youhei's younger sister; Akio and Sanae Furukawa, Nagisa's father and mother, who operate the Furukawa bakery; Toshio Koumura, a former homeroom teacher of Tomoya and Youhei; Yusuke Yoshino, an electrician who works for the sake of love of the city; Kappei Hiiragi, a mysterious young traveller; Naoyuki Okazaki; Tomoya's father, whom Tomoya distanced himself from after a quarrel that injures his arm; and Shino Okazaki, Tomoya's paternal grandmother.