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Megatripolis was an innovative, underground London nightclub created by Encyclopaedia Psychedelica/Evolution editor and founder of the Zippie movement Fraser Clark, partner Sionaidh Craigen and partners JJ and Bugsy as well as a great many others (from an original concept by Fraser Clark and Sionaidh Craigen). The club combined New Age ideology with Rave culture to create a vibrant, festival-like atmosphere presenting a wide variety of cross-cultural ideas and experiences. Club nights ran regularly on Thursdays from 1993 until 1996, being the focus of much of the Zippie movement. The club and its related activities also helped to popularise ideas such as cyberculture and the Internet between those years.

The club first started at The Marquee in London when it was at 105 Charing Cross Road. Promoted by evolution / dream, and at first as a collaboration with Tribal Energy on Thursday nights in June 1993. The club hosted a lecture by Terence McKenna on its opening night, as well as DJs Nik Sequenci, Tribal Energy (Jez Turner), Solar Quest and Mixmaster Morris and featured an "ambient space" in the foyer and a "smart bar" on the terrace which sold various herbal drinks. With techno music playing, about 250 people attended.

The club ran weekly. After eight weeks, a disagreement between the Tribal Energy and Evolution / dream crews led to the latter being asked to leave. Tribal Energy then continued at the Marquee with a club on the same night, called 'Metropolis', which ran for seven weeks before closing. The Evolution / dream crew consolidated and grew at the so-called Stansted Tree Party in September 1993 - a protest event to prevent woods near Stansted Airport in Essex being cleared to make way for housing development.

On October 21, 1993, the Heaven nightclub under Charing Cross Station became home to the club. 4,000 people attended for the free opening night. Heaven was London's original gay-only nightclub, but had run non-gay (known as Pyramid) nights for many years, including clubs such as Rage, Earth, Spectrum and Land of Oz. The club had the distinction of being full or almost full for every night of its 155-week run at Heaven.

