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Meemann Chang

Meemann Chang
Born 张弥曼
(1936-04-17)April 17, 1936
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Other names Zhang Miman, Mee-mann Chang
Nationality Chinese
Fields Vertebrate paleontology
Institutions Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology
Alma mater Moscow University and
Doctoral students Zhou Zhonghe
Other notable students Xiaobo Yu

Meemann Chang (Chinese: 张弥曼) is a Chinese paleontologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP). She completed her undergraduate studies at Moscow University and completed her PhD thesis entitled 'The braincase of Youngolepis, a Lower Devonian crossopterygian from Yunnan, south-western China' at . She was the first woman to become head of IVPP in 1983. Later in 2011 she also received an honorary degree from the University of Chicago for her many career achievements.

Species named in her honour include the extinct sarcopterygian fish Meemannia, the theropod dinosaur Sinovenator changii, and the extinct bird Archaeornithura meemannae. There is also a unique organ of yunnanolepid antiarch placoderms named "Chang's Apparatus" after her.

There is also a special book volume on fossil fish published in her honour Morphology, Phylogeny and Paleobiogeography of Fossil Fishes, ISBN  .

Meemann notably first described and later re-described the fossil genus Paralycoptera, and also described the fossil genera Diabolepis and Youngolepis.

