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In mythology and history, there were at least eight men named Medon (/ˈmdən/; Greek: Μέδων, gen.: Μέδοντος).

Medon is the faithful herald of Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey. Following the advice of his son Telemachus, Odysseus spares Medon’s life after killing the suitors of Penelope who had been plaguing his halls in his homeland of Ithaca. Medon attempts to return the favor by speaking on behalf of his master, claiming that Odysseus' violence was not unwarranted by the gods.Ovid mentions the "cruel" Medon as one of the suitors; he is also included on the list of suitors in the Bibliotheca.

Medon, a "cunning craftsman" of Cilla, husband of Iphianassa and father of Metalcas and Zechis, of whom the former was slain in the Trojan War by Neoptolemus, and the latter by Teucer.

Medon, half-brother of Ajax the Lesser and son of Oileus, king of Locris, by Rhene or Alcimache. He resided in Phylace, to where he had to flee after he had killed a relative of his stepmother Eriopis. In the Trojan War, he took over Philoctetes' army after Philoctetes was bitten by a snake and left on Lemnos because the wound festered and smelled bad. Medon was killed by Aeneas.

