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Mazer Rackham

This is a partial list of characters in the Ender's Game series.

Ender's Jeesh is a collection of his closest friends at Battle School, particularly those who serve under him in Dragon Army in Battle School before serving as team leads under his command during the Third Invasion, ending with the destruction of the Formic homeworld. As chronicled in the Bean Quartet, many of them move into positions of international significance during the chaotic years after the end of the Formic War, particularly due to the machinations of Achilles de Flandres.

The Pequeninos (Portuguese for "little ones"), or piggies, are an alien species, forest-dwelling and technologically primitive, but incredibly intelligent species able to learn languages extremely quickly. They are given the nickname "piggy" by the colonists of the planet Lusitania where part of the series is set due to their pig-like appearance.

Victor Delgado: A mechanic born on the free mining ship El Cavador, that mined asteroids in the Kuiper Belt. When the Formic's scout ship was discovered, and deemed as a real threat, he was sent on a quickship to Luna to report the news. On Luna, he was promptly arrested, but freed by Imala. After, he and Imala began teaming up with Lem Jukes to infiltrate the Formic ship, and were successful in doing so. They were able to replicate the infiltration mission with a team of MOPs, and were successful in destroying the Formic scout ship.

