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Mayurbhatta was a 7th-century Sanskrit poet and scholar, who was brother-in-law of Banabhatta, the court poet of Harshavardhana, who is noted for having written Surya Satakam.

Mayurbhatta was suffering from leprosy. He performed penance at famous Deo Sun Temple located at Deo in present-day Aurangabad district, Bihar. He composed one hundred verses in praise of Lord Surya - the Sun God, and was cured of leprosy. While he was composing the verses, he was troubled by Brahmarakṣasa but he was able to defeat him and please the Sun God. The verses he composed became known as Surya Satakam.

Many Bhumihars and Shakaldwipi Brahmins of the village Mor in Aurangabad district of Bihar, claim themselves to be descendants of Mayurbhatta.

