The Mayor of Colchester sits as non-political chairman of Colchester Borough Council and serves as the civic representative of the borough. The mayoralty is customarily awarded to the most senior councillor of one of the political groups
Colchester's current Mayor is Theresa Higgins.
The Mayor is the chief citizen and represents the borough throughout their year of office. The Mace, carried by the Town Serjeant on ceremonial occasions and into the council chamber, is the symbol of that authority.
The Mayor sits as non-political chairman of the council. The mayoralty is customarily awarded to the most senior councillor of one of the political groups, who take it in turn. The nomination is only rarely challenged. He or she serves for a year as Deputy Mayor.
The annual ceremony of the installation of a new Mayor takes place each May, following the borough council elections. The Mayor's election take splace at the first meeting of the newly formed council.
The council, officers and members of the public gather in the Moot Hall to welcome the incoming Mayor who takes the oath administered by the Town Clerk.
The Mayor's Parlour is the Colchester Town Hall office where the Mayor works, as well as the reception suite for visitors. The borough regalia (including The Mace), is also displayed there, and represents gifts to the town as well as items of the borough's heritage.
Throughout his/her year in office, the Mayor organises events to raise money for his/her charities ("The Mayor's Charities").
Mayors subsequent to the passing of the Municipal Corporation Act 1835.
Mayors prior to the passing of the Municipal Corporation Act 1835. (Source: Charles Benham.)
From the year 1740 to 1763, there being no Charter in existence, no Mayor could be appointed.