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Marvel Mangaverse

The Marvel Mangaverse is a series of comic books published by Marvel Comics from 2000 to 2002, with a sequel "New Mangaverse" released in late 2005 and early 2006.

The series depicts an alternate (or possibly two alternates, see below) Marvel universe, its characters drawn and portrayed in a Manga-like style. Four volumes were published for the series, two of which were connected by a continuing story arc with multiple Marvel characters, while the third and fourth series each started a new story and focused on a single character, which were Spider-Man Mangaverse and Jean Grey of an alternate version (apparently) of X-Men Mangaverse.

By 2005, Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 has given the numerical designation of "Marvel Mangaverse" as Earth-2301. The majority of the artwork in the first volume was shared between different artists, each of whom delivered one issue, with book-ends by Ben Dunn, whose work is best known on the comic series Ninja High School. Dunn also did the entirety of the artwork for volume 2 of Mangaverse. The artwork for the five issue miniseries New Mangaverse: The Rings of Fate was done by Tommy Ohtsuka.

Plot: Three years prior to the story Dr. Banner discovered the Negative Zone, a dimension which contains vast amounts of energy, and was tricked by the terrorist organization HYDRA into building "the Energy Well", a means of harvesting this energy, to power their weapon of mass destruction. However, when the weapon was fired it created a massive EMP which caused a global blackout for twenty-four hours, killing thousands. During this time of crisis, Prince Namor of Atlantis led an invasion of the surface but was stopped by Iron Man, who disappeared soon after. Tony Stark rescued the now insane Dr. Banner and suppressed any memory of his involvement from his mind with a Cerebral Driver. Various forces conspire to create a second Energy Well, which leads to the emergence of Dormammu into Earth's dimension, who is defeated by the combined power of Thor and the willpower and strength of the heroes assembled to battle him. Serving Dormammu is a massive, Godzilla-esque incarnation of the Hulk- separate from Banner, who is destroyed by Thor quickly after Thor incarnates using Banner as a focus.

