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Margot Fenring

Lady Margot Fenring
Dune character
First appearance Dune (1965)
Last appearance Paul of Dune (2008)
Created by Frank Herbert
Affiliation Bene Gesserit
Spouse(s) Count Hasimir Fenring
Children Marie Fenring

Lady Margot Fenring is a fictional character from the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. She is featured in Herbert's Dune (1965), and is a major character in the Prelude to Dune prequel trilogy (1999-2001) by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson and the 2008 novel Paul of Dune.

The Bene Gesserit wife of Count Hasimir Fenring, Margot is first described in Dune through Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen's eyes:

Feyd-Rautha dipped his head with the required courtesy. He stared at the Lady Fenring. She was golden-haired and willowy, her perfection of figure clothed in a flowing gown of ecru — simple fitness of form without ornament. Gray-green eyes stared back at him. She had that Bene Gesserit serene repose about her that the young man found subtly disturbing.

The non-canon Dune Encyclopedia (1984) by Willis E. McNelly invents an extensive, alternate biography for Margot.

In Dune, Count Fenring had been the Governor of Arrakis during the handover period between House Harkonnen and House Atreides. Margot leaves behind a note for her Bene Gesserit sister Lady Jessica, concubine to Duke Leto Atreides, in the palace on Arrakis:

