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Margaret de Bereford

Margaret de Bereford
Buried Abbey of St Mary of Graces, Tower Hill
Noble family de Bereford
Spouse(s) Sir John de Pulteney
Sir Nicholas de Loveyne
William de Pulteney
Guy de Loveyne?
Father John de Bereford
Mother Roesia

Margaret de Bereford was a substantial English property owner whose husbands were notable as merchants, soldiers or courtiers in the service of King Edward III.

There has been considerable confusion as to Margaret's parentage, a number of publications having stated that her father was John de St John or Roger St John. The evidence on the subject has been explored in depth by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr. who, on the basis of letters of indulgence from Avignon dated 5 January 1361, concludes that she was the daughter of John de Bereford (or Burford), a citizen of London, by his wife Roesia (who is named in the will of Margaret's first husband) and sister of Sir John de Bereford, Keeper of Eltham Park.

Margaret's first husband was Sir John de Pulteney, a citizen of London who held the office of Mayor for a total of four years. The marriage evidently took place by 13 December 1330, when they arranged for perpetual masses for themselves and “for the souls of John de Bureford late citizen of London and Roesia his wife” to take place at St Nicholas Shambles, London. Sir John's association with the de Bereford family went back significantly before 1330, as in July 1318 he was recorded as executor of the will of Roesia de Bureford, late the executrix of John de Bureford, citizen of London.

The couple had one known child:

Sir John de Pulteney died on 8 June 1349. Margaret's second marriage was to Sir Nicholas de Loveyne and had evidently taken place by 1 September 1350. On 12 October of the same year Nicholas obtained custody of the lands and marriage of William de Pulteney, the son and heir of Margaret’s first husband.

There is no definite evidence of any children from Nicholas’ first marriage. However, it is possible that one “Guy de Loveyne” who on 22 April 1365 was included in an indenture that entailed much of the de Pulteney estates and who does not appear to be recorded subsequently may have been a child of that marriage and presumably died young.

On the death of her first husband, Margaret received some of the extensive property that was held by her husband, details of which can be found in the article about him.

In April 1349, Richard, Earl of Arundel had sued Sir John de Pulteney for the sum of £500. The case was protracted and in 1366 enquiries were made by the Court of Chancery about the extent of lands formerly held by Sir John that were by that stage held by his widow Margaret, her son William and her second husband. The results of inquisitions held by the Sheriffs of Kent and Cambridgeshire include evidence of Margaret's landholdings. However, the details are probably not exhaustive, as they relate only to land in Kent, Cambridgeshire and the London area.

