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The Marachi are one of sixteen tribes of the Luhya people of Kenya. Nestled between the Samia, Khayo and Wanga, the Marachi occupy a land area comparatively smaller than the other Luhya tribes in Busia District. In their native Luhya language, the people of Marachi are known as Abamarachi, their land Bumarachi or Ebumarachi and their dialect Lumarachi. Marachi land is divided into East, West, Central, and North Marachi locations. Significant town in Marachi is Butula and Bumala. Marachi land has several villages namely; Elukongo, Emauko, Siribo, Bumala "A", Bumala "B", Esikoma, Simuli, Bulwani, Matsanza, Bumakhudu, Bwaliro, Lunyiko, Siamakondi, Emakwara, Mafubu, Kalalani, Tingolo, Bumutiru, Ibanda, Buyayi, Sirandala, Masenjekho, Butunyi, Igula, Burinda, Bujumba, Kingandole, Khunyangu, Buhuyi, Bumwaya, Bukhalalire, Busiada, Bumagunda, Namusala, Enakaywa, Madola,Khareka, Mung'ambwa, Bulemia, Emagombe, Emalomba, Lugulu,Bukuyudi Elara, Sibembe, Bukhwaku, Bumina, Echengo, Siroba, Khulunyu, Dadira, Namwitsula, Busire, Buriya, Busibula, Masebula, Isongo, Nango, Bulindo

Abasimalwa, Ababere,Abafofoyo, Abamuchama, Abatula, Abamurono, Abang'ayo, Ababule, Abamulembo,Abatelia, Abapwati, Abasumia, Abarano, Abakwera, Abamutu, Abamalele, Abakolwe, Ababonwe,Abamucheka,Abaliba,Ababirang'u,Abakolwe,Abade. Abasubo

Abamarachi are a conglemeration of the above-mentioned clans who were under the leadership of Ng'ono Mwami in pre-colonial days.The name Marachi is derived from Ng'ono Mwami's father who was called Marachi son of Musebe,the son of Sirikwa.So all the Marachi clans owed their allegiance to Ng'ono Mwami from whose lineage of Ababere clan they were founded.The name Marachi was given further impetus by the war-like lifestyle of the descendants of Ng'ono who ruthlessly fought off the Luo expansion of the Jok Omollo a nilotic group that sought to control the Nzoia and Sio Rivers in the area and the fishing grounds around the gulf of Erukala and Ebusijo-modern Port Victoria and Sio Port respectively. This effort to thwart the Luo influence kept the Luo on the other side of River Nzoia in Ugunja, and Rundiye areas. The Luo word "Marach" denotes a bad person so Abamarachi were called Marach to since they had defeated them in warfare;which was Luyanised into Marachi by affixing a vowel syllable at the end. Ng'ono Mwami had three sons namely;Mulaa,Kusimba and Odunya Mboko.Their children and grandchildren formed a formidable army that formed a ring a round the Marachi kingdom.There were ten sub-clans who settled in various villages strategically to protect the integrity of Marachi.Thus;

