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Manila Adventist Medical Center

Adventist Medical Center Manila Logo.png

The Adventist Medical Center Manila, (formerly the Manila Adventist Medical Center; Manila Sanitarium and Hospital), is an acute care, tertiary, non-stock, non-profit, and self-supporting private hospital that is located within Pasay in Metro Manila, Philippines. It was established on 1929 by a missionary doctor - Horace Hall. It is one of the two constituents, the other being an educational institution, that formed the Adventist Medical Center Manila. The hospital is part of a chain of more than 500 health care institutions worldwide operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is licensed by the Center for Health Development of the Philippine Department of Health, accredited by Medicare, the Philippine Hospital Association and the American Hospital Association.

It envisions to be the premier wellness and lifestyle medical center. It is committed to sharing Jesus Christ's healing ministry under the leadership of its president, Dr. Bibly L. Macaya.

The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP - formerly the Coronary Health Improvement Project) [1] is an affordable, lifestyle enrichment program designed to reduce disease risk factors through the adoption of better health habits and appropriate lifestyle modifications. The goal is to lower blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels by reducing excess weight, lowering high blood pressure, enhancing daily exercise, improving dietary choices, and eliminating smoking, thus aiding in preventing and reversing disease.

CHIP is based on the foundation that 75 percent of our Western diseases are “lifestyle-related,” according to the U.S. Surgeon General. They relate to our rich diet; lack of exercise; use of cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, level of stress, and the quality of our support. These diseases include:

Before the educational program begins, a comprehensive health screen is conducted to establish risk factor levels of participants. The educational program is presented in two-hour sessions that meet four times a week for four weeks.

Health screen results are provided to each participant early in the program, and participants are encouraged to share their results and work closely with their personal physician regarding their need for medication as they modify their lifestyle. Immediately following the program, the health screen is conducted again, and a detailed report is prepared for each participant that compares their risk factor levels before and after going through the program. Reports and course completion certificates are presented at a graduation program.

