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The Mandandanji are an indigenous Australian people of Queensland.

The Mandandanji owned 15,400 square miles (40,000 km2) of tribal territory, which took in the Maranoa and Balonne rivers north of St. George. Their western exrtension reached as far Bollon and Wallam Creek. Their northern frontier was around Donnybrook, Orallo and Yuleba. Their eastern flank was formed by Alton and Glenmorgan. Mitchell, Roma and Surat all lay within Mandandanji territory.

The Mandandanji were divided into hordes.

The Mandandanji put up considerable resistance to white colonial encroachments on their land. They were led by a leader, Bussamarai, who was later singled out by the settler Gideon Lang as one of the cleverest Aborigines he had heard of, versatile, an orator of distinction, diplomat and warrior by turns as the occasion demanded. Known also as Eaglehawk, he developed battle tactics worthy of a general that created setbacks for the whites on several occasions of confrontation. These consisted in mustering large numbers of warriors in a deep line, with a fortified centre. The thinner flanks or wings were so deployed that any whites charging on horseback could not sight and dodge the spears thrown at them, compelling them to retreat. If the cavalry rallied back, he would have the wings of his troops fold back in to the core group of fighters. Bussamarai had also managed to form a coalition with 5 neighbouring tribes, and many ourtback stations had to be abandoned. The story of their struggles and defeat has been the object of an intensive study by Patrick Collins.

Eventually, already in this early period, the Mandandanji melded in with the Kunggari and these two were, in reports, often confused. The missionary William Ridley travelled through the district of Surat in 1855, found the natives quick at learning, and friendly, though guards were required since the area was still considered dangerous.

