The ancient Egyptian Man-seated: arms in adoration hieroglyph is one of a series of language and visual hieroglyphs used from the earliest dynasties of Ancient Egypt, and that portrays men, women, ideology, and some occupations.
Used versions of the adoration hieroglyph are with men, women, and groups of individuals; also the adoration-type hieroglyph is shown in a standing pose, with upraised arms. The men and women hieroglyphs of both the men and women series, encompass a majority of the human traits, forms, emotions, etc.
A major use of the "seated-adoration" hieroglyph would be as part of the Libationer-Priest (hieroglyph). Although the main man-seated, adoration hieroglyph is not used in the Rosetta Stone, the Libation-priest is used throughout, (beginning at the early lines of the first half-of the Decree of Memphis (Ptolemy V), the named Nubayrah Stele). One use on the Rosetta Stone 2nd half, of the Libationer-priest is the plural of the priests. The last part of the Decree of Memphis, Ptolemy V-(Rosetta Stone), is to honor Pharaoh Ptolemy by enacting ten items. In the next-to-last line, line R-13, one enactment is:
An example of a single scene is shown on the pictured ostracon.