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Majorana spinor

The Majorana equation is a relativistic wave equation. It is named after the Italian physicist Ettore Majorana.

The Majorana equation is

with the derivative operator written in Feynman slash notation to include the gamma matrices as well as a summation over the spinor components. In this equation ψc is the charge conjugate of ψ, which can be defined in the Majorana basis as

This relation leads to the alternate expression

In both cases, the quantity m is called the Majorana mass.

The Majorana is similar to the Dirac equation, but includes the charge conjugate ψc of a spinor ψ.

The appearance of both ψ and ψc in the Majorana equation means that the field ψ cannot be coupled to a charged electromagnetic field without violating charge conservation. To satisfy this restriction, ψ is taken to be neutral.

The quanta of the Majorana equation allow for two classes of particles, a neutral particle and its neutral antiparticle. The frequently applied supplemental condition ψ = ψc results in a single neutral particle, in which case ψ is known as a Majorana spinor. For a Majorana spinor, the Majorana equation is equivalent to the Dirac equation.

