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King of Naddula
Reign c. 994-1015 CE
Predecessor Vigrahapala
Successor Ashvapala
Dynasty Chahamanas of Naddula
Father Vigrahapala

Mahindu (r. c. 994-1015 CE), also known as Mahendra or Mahindra, was an Indian king belonging to the Naddula Chahamana dynasty. He ruled the area around Naddula (present-day Nadol in Rajasthan).

Mahindu succeeded his father Vigrahapala on the throne of Naddula.

According to the Bijapur inscription of the Hastikundi Rashtrakuta prince Dhavala, a ruler named Mahendra helped him against Durlabharaja. F. Kielhorn identified this Mahendra with Mahindu, the king of Naddula. D. R. Bhandarkar identified Durlabharaja as Durlabharaja Chaulukya. However, historian Dasharatha Sharma points out that Durlabharaja Chaulukya had not ascended the throne when this inscription was issued. Sharma, therefore, identified Durlabharaja as Durlabharaja Chahamana,

Dhavala seems to have been a close ally of Mahindu, and helped him against the Paramara king Munja.

Dvyashrya-Kavya, a legendary text by the Chaulukya court scholar Hemachandra, states that Mahendra-raja organized a swayamvara (husband-choosing ceremony) for his sister Durlabha-devi. Besides Durlabharaja, he invited the rulers of Anga, Andhra, Kashi, Kuru, Mathura and Ujjayini to this ceremony. Durlabha-devi chose Durlabharaja as her husband. Out of jealousy, the other invitees formed a confederacy and attacked his contingent, while he was returning to his capital. Durlabharaja defeated their combined army. Mahindu's younger daughter Lakshmi-devi married Nagaraja, the younger brother of Durlabharaja.

