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A list of characters from the 1999 anime series Super Life-Form Transformers: Beast Wars Neo.

The Maximals in Beast Wars Neo are referred to as "Cybertrons" in Japan, the same name given to the Autobots in Japan.

Big Convoy, the Convoy warrior known as the one man army, is astoundingly powerful, but prefers being alone, heading onto battlefields by himself. He wields a big cannon, which can blitz enemies with a single shot. On orders from Vector Sigma, Big Convoy has been appointed as an instructor to a group of young warriors. He transforms into a Woolly Mammoth.

Longrack is the gabby, annoying class committee member of the group. He is quite serious about following rules to the letter, and will butt in and aggressively complain to others about it. His Arm Shot attack extends his right arm, while his Crush Arm grabs and mangles his enemies. Longrack also specializes in tinkering with machines. He transforms into a giraffe.

His transformative powers favor dry climates. Cohrada represents one of the more experimental Transformers to be released over the course of the Beast Wars era. His beast mode is rather unconventional - a snake. He is not a typical snake that is completely tubular. Rather, he is a cobra (even though reptiles are traditional considered a Predacon beast form), allowing slightly more bulk to the beast mode, allowing for greater possibilities in transformation schemes.

Stampy is an extreme coward who frequently frustrates his teammates. For all that, he's quick enough to be cheery, yet his mighty ears hardly miss a distant sound, and his speed and intelligence-gathering abilities are outstanding. His favorite food is space carrots. He transforms into a domestic white rabbit.

Break launches anchors from his right arm as his weapons. He transforms into a penguin. Amazingly strong in coldness, Break gives full play to his abilities on frigid worlds. He is bold and quick to lose his temper, but is also fiercely concerned for his comrades. The Break Anchors he launches from his right arm are massively destructive. Break loves bathing in ice water and is quite tidy. Break was voted the 11th strangest Transformers Beast Wars figure by Topless Robots.

Heinlad's tech spec statistics only state that he has a rank of 7 - everything else is unknown. His beast mode is also unique, being based upon the tanuki (Asian raccoon dog animal). The most notable feature of said animal was amazingly large testes which, according to Japanese legend, the tanuki used as both seat and as drums. This trait is reflected on the toy as two round objects right underneath his clock belly that become hip pads in robot mode, one of which contains his spark crystal. Wired Magazine once nominated him as one 12 most ridiculous Transformers of all time.

