Magic Knight is a computer game character created by freelance programmer David Jones in his 1985 game Finders Keepers for the Mastertronic budget label. Finders Keepers is a flip-screen platform game released on the ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, MSX and Commodore 64. The game spawned three more ambitious sequels (also starring Magic Knight) on the Mastertronic Added Dimension budget label: Spellbound (1985), Knight Tyme (1986) and Stormbringer (1987). The three sequels are far less action-orientated, being effectively graphic adventure games that use a basic menu system (dubbed "Windimation") to interact with characters and items instead of typed commands.
The King has ordered Magic Knight to go to Spriteland and bring back a fitting birthday present for the Princess. Magic Knight is transported to the castle in Spriteland and can either amass as much treasure as possible or find a suitable present and return to the King.
The wizard Gimbal has accidentally mixed up a spell and cast himself, Magic Knight and an array of other characters into an unknown castle. Magic Knight must find Gimbal and reverse the spell to return everyone home.
After freeing Gimbal, the spell to send Magic Knight home goes wrong and he awakes not in the Middle Ages, but on the USS Pisces in the 25th century. Magic Knight must find a way to reach the Tyme Guardians and return home.
On returning from the 25th Century, Magic Knight finds his local village terrorised by the "Off White Knight", who has taken residence in the castle. Further investigation shows the Off White Knight to be the evil side of Magic Knight himself, and the task is to join the two together again.