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Maghnus 'Ruadh' Mág Samhradháin

Maghnus ‘Ruadh’ Mág Samhradháin, the Second, (anglicised ‘Red’ Manus McGovern) was chief of the McGovern Clan and Baron or Lord of Tullyhaw barony, County Cavan from 1393 until his murder in 1408.

His ancestry was Maghnus Ruadh son of Tomás Mág Samhradháin the Second (d. 1340) son of Brian ‘Breaghach’ Mág Samhradháin (d.1294) mac Donnchadh ‘Cime’ Mág Samhradháin (d.1269) mac Giolla na Naomh Mág Samhradháin (the Second) (d.1255) mac Giolla Íosa Mág Samhradháin (d.1231) mac Giolla na Naomh Mág Samhradháin, the First (fl.1170) mac Muireadhach Mág Samhradhán (fl.1130) mac Samhradhán (fl.1100), who were all previous chiefs of the clan. His mother was Nualaidh, the daughter of the Maguire chief and Maguire’s wife Éadaoin Ó’Ceallaigh. His brothers were Tighearnán, Brian (d. 1337), Aedh (d.1351), Séan, Conchobhar, Niall Mág Samhradháin who preceded him as chief and died in 1359, Fearghal Mág Samhradháin who also preceded him as chief and died in 1393, Giolla na Naomh, Tadhg Buidhe (d.1367), Maghnus Buidhe (d.1357) and Matha (d.1356).

On the death of the previous chief in April 1393, his brother Fearghal Mág Samhradháin, Maghnus succeeded and reigned as chief until his death in 1408.

