Madhu-vidya is described in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad II.v.1-19, and in the Chandogya Upanishad III 1-5. Madhu-vidya or 'Honey-knowledge' is that of the supreme Bliss of the Self; it is an important Vedic teaching. This knowledge is meant to be communicated by the teacher to the disciple, by father to the son – who is worthy and inwardly ready.Indra taught Madhu-vidya to Rishi Dadhichi with a warning that it should not be communicated to anyone else.
In the Rig Veda, Soma, the Vedic symbol for deep spiritual truth, is addressed as Madhu, the nector or ambrosia, the drink of Immortality sought by both gods and men. Rishi Vamadeva has described how the saving of the knowledge of Madhu or Soma Doctrine came to him through a hawk in a sudden flash in his darkest hour.
It is believed that Rishi Dadhichi had his ashrama in Dudheshwara on the banks of Sabarmati River near present-day Ahmedabad. His name appears in the Rig Veda. Dadhichi was a sage of Vedic repute (Rig Veda I.84.13: इन्द्रो दधीचो अस्थ भिर्वृत्राण्यप्रतिष्कुतः| जघान नवतीर्नव ||). He was the son of Rishi Atharvan of the Atharvaveda, and the father of Pippalada of the Prasna Upanishad. His name is seen to occur in the first Mandala of the Rig Veda, and in the Bhagavata Purana. Rishi Kakshivana,the sage of the Rig Veda Sukta 119 which is addressed to the Ashvins, in Mantra 9 tells us :