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Macedonian general election, 1994

General elections were held in Macedonia on 16 October 1994 to elect a President and Assembly, with a second round of Assembly elections on 30 October. The presidential election was won by Kiro Gligorov of the Alliance for Macedonia (a coalition of the Social Democratic Union, Liberal Party and the Socialist Party), whilst the parties forming Alliance for Macedonia also won the Assembly elections with 95 of the 120 seats. However, the second round of the Assembly elections were boycotted by VMRO-DPMNE and the Democratic Party, as they claimed there had been irregularities in the first round.

The 120 members of the Assembly were elected in 120 single-member constituencies. If no candidate received over 50% in the first round, a second round was held and contested by every candidate who received over 7% of the vote in the first round. In the second round a majority was not required, and the candidate who received the most votes won the seat.

a Part of Aliance for Macedonia on national level, but contesting some constituencies as separate party or in a coalition with only one party member of Aliance for Macedonia.

b Includes the 126,638 voters in the first round and 70,431 in the second round who were not registered, but voted using their ID cards.

