Mac Raghnaill in a Gaelic type, note the lenited g in the name (gh) once appeared in Irish orthography with a dot above it, as pictured.
Gender | Masculine |
Language(s) | Irish |
Language(s) | Irish |
Meaning | "son of Raghnall" |
Variant form(s) | Mac Rághnaill, Mac Raonaill |
Mac Raghnaill is masculine surname in the Irish language. The name translates into English as "son of Raghnall". The surname originated as a patronym, however it no longer refers to the actual name of the bearer's father.
The name Raghnall is a Gaelic derivative of the Old Norse personal name Røgnvaldr / Rǫgnvaldr / Rögnvaldr. Variant forms of the surname include Mac Rághnaill and Mac Raonaill. These three surnames can be Anglicised variously as: MacRannall, MacRanald, MacRandell, MacCrindle, MacReynold, MacReynolds, Randalson, Rondalson, Reynoldson, Rannals, Randals, Randles, Ranolds, and Reynolds. The Irish surnames are borne by numerous unrelated families; some are of Irish origin, others of Scottish origin, some are of English origin, and some may be of Norwegian and or Danish origin.