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MacDonalds of Ardnamurchan

The MacDonalds of Ardnamurchan also known as MacIain of Ardnamurchan, or Clan MacIan, were a Scottish family and a branch of the larger Clan Donald.

The founder of the Macdonalds of Ardnamurchan was Iain Sprangach MacDonald (d.1340), the third son of Angus Mor MacDonald (d.1292), 4th chief of the Clan Donald. Iain is the Scottish Gaelic for the Christian name John. The surname MacIain therefore means son of John.

Iain Sprangach MacDonald was also known as John the Bold. His brother was a great ally of King Robert the Bruce. His early affiliations appear to have been with the English and it is not clear whether his original grant of Ardnamurchan came from the 'puppet' king John Balliol or his illustrious brother. The MacDonalds of Ardnamurchan became known as the MacIains.

Alexander MacDonald, the third chief of the MacIains is believed to have been killed during the Battle of Harlaw in 1411. Alexander's son John led the clan at the Battle of Inverlochy (1431). After this he was awarded lands on the isles of Islay and Jura.

The MacIains supported the MacDonald Lordship of the Isles until, in 1493, the fourth and last Lord of the Isles forfeited his title to King James IV. By 1494 the King had garrisoned and provisioned Dunaverty Castle. It is said that the MacDonalds led by Sir John MacDonald, who the king had recently knighted, retook the castle before the King had even departed to Stirling and that the dead body of the King's castle governor was hung over the castle walls in sight of the King and his departing entourage. Sir John Macdonald however was later captured by MacDonald (or MacIain) of Ardnamurchan. He was tried and hung on the Burgh Muir.

In 1497 Sir Alexander MacDonald of Lochalsh rebelled against the King and invaded the lands of Ross-shire where he was defeated at the Battle of Drumchatt by the Clan Mackenzie. Alexander MacDonald of Localsh escaped southwards amongst the Isles until he was caught on the Isle of Oronsay and put to death by MacIain of Ardnamurchan.

