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Produced | From 1998 to 1999 |
Marketed by | Rise Technology |
Designed by | Rise Technology |
Common manufacturer(s) | |
Max. CPU clock rate | 166 MHz to 250 MHz |
FSB speeds | 83 MT/s to 100 MT/s |
Min. feature size | 0.25 µm to 0.18 µm |
Instruction set | x86 (IA-32) |
Microarchitecture | 8-stage (integer)/4-stage (Floating point), triple pipelined design |
CPUID code | 00000504 (Kirin) 00000521 (Lynx) |
Product code | 6441 |
Cores | 1 |
L1 cache | 16 KiB |
L2 cache | Motherboard dependent |
L3 cache | none |
Socket(s) | |
Successor | Rise mP6-II |
Package(s) | |
Core name(s) |
The Rise mP6 was a superpipelined and superscalarmicroprocessor designed by Rise Technology to compete with the Intel Pentium line.
Rise Technology had spent 5 years developing a x86 compatible microprocessor, and finally introduced it in November 1998 as a low-cost, low-power alternative for the Super Socket 7 platform, that allowed for higher Front-side bus speeds than the previous Socket 7 and that made it possible for other CPU manufacturers to keep competing against Intel, that had moved to the Slot 1 platform.
The mP6 made use of the MMX instruction set and had three MMX pipelines which allowed the CPU to execute up to three MMX instructions in a single cycle. Its three integer units made it possible to execute three integer instructions in a single cycle as well and the fully pipelined floating point unit could execute up to two floating-point instructions per cycle. To further improve the performance the core utilized branch prediction and a number of techniques to resolve data dependency conflicts. According to Rise, the mP6 should perform almost as fast as Intel Pentium II at the same frequencies.
Despite its innovative features, the real-life performance of the mP6 proved disappointing. This was mainly due to the small L1 Cache. Another reason was that the Rise mP6's PR 266 rating was based upon the old Intel Pentium MMX, while its main competitors were the Intel Celeron 266, the IDT WinChip 2-266 and the AMD K6-2 266, that all delivered more performance in most benchmarks and applications. The Celeron and the K6-2 actually worked at 266 MHz, and the WinChip 2's PR rating was based upon the performance of its AMD opponent.