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Lyle Chan

Lyle Chan is an Australian composer known for his unique approach of writing cumulative works with only one work per genre.

He has described his music as a diary or memoir, particularly of emotions.

“I call it a perpetual work in progress,” he has explained. “As a composer, I only write these very, very long pieces. What I figured out, early on, is that I don’t actually like writing beginnings and endings. And then I realized why, which is that they’re not real. I think that, as an artist, you create one work, which is the work defined by the life that you lead and the experiences that you have.” "The music were my diaries, a way of writing down feelings. As a composer I think of music as the sound that feelings make.”

These cumulative compositions have highly abstract titles such as Orchestra with Solo Instruments and Solo Piano, but each is made up of self-contained sections with more descriptive titles.

Four such sections have received high-profile media coverage: Wind Farm Music (Dedicated to Tony Abbott), Rendezvous With Destiny, AIDS Memoir Quartet and Serenade for Tenor, Saxophone and Orchestra.

In particular the AIDS Memoir Quartet has been recognised for its significance both as a work of art and as a historical document. Limelight magazine described it as “A crushingly powerful work of musical history … A towering piece.”Grammy, Oscar and Pulitzer-winning American composer John Corigliano wrote that it is “a very ambitious work born out of a seemingly endless plague. Its composer has taken his experiences of living through the enormous tragedy of AIDS and from them has molded a serious and deeply felt work of art.”

Since 2013, Lyle Chan’s personal website has been selected for ongoing preservation by the National Library of Australia, recognising his contribution to culture and history.

Chan's works have been programmed by the major arts organisations in Australia such as the Sydney Philharmonia Choir, the Song Company, Queensland Symphony Orchestra, Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, Camerata of St John’s, Brisbane Festival, National Gallery of Victoria, Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney Opera House, Australian Broadcasting Corporation and others.

