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Lwaxana Troi

Jack Crusher
Species Human
Affiliation United Federation of Planets
Posting USS Stargazer
Rank Lieutenant commander
Portrayed by Doug Wert
Species El-Aurian
Affiliation United Federation of Planets
Posting USS Enterprise-D
Position Bartender
Portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg
First appearance "The Child" (TNG)
Species Klingon
Affiliation Klingon Empire
Bajoran Militia (temporary)
Posting USS Enterprise-D executive officer (temporary)
IKS Hegh'ta commanding officer
Klingon High Council
Deep Space Nine security officer (temporary)
Portrayed by Tony Todd
Species Android
Portrayed by Brent Spiner
Duras sisters
Species Klingon
Portrayed by LursaBarbara March
B'EtorGwynyth Walsh
Alyssa Ogawa
Species Human
Affiliation United Federation of Planets
Posting USS Enterprise-D nurse
USS Enterprise-E nurse
Rank Ensign
Lieutenant junior grade
Portrayed by Patti Yasutake
Alexander Rozhenko
Species Three-quarters Klingon,
One-quarter Human
Father Worf
Mother K'Ehleyr
Portrayed by Jon Paul Steuer
Brian Bonsall
James Sloyan
Marc Worden
Lwaxana Troi
Species Betazoid
Portrayed by Majel Barrett

This is a list of characters from the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Characters are ordered alphabetically by family name, and only characters who played a significant recurring role in the series are listed.

Lieutenant Commander Jack R. Crusher was portrayed by actor Doug Wert. Dead before the series' beginning, Crusher is the late husband to Beverly Crusher and father of Wesley Crusher, and former second officer (third in command) aboard the USS Stargazer, Jean-Luc Picard's first command. He was killed in action at the age of 32 Earth years, for which Picard blamed himself until Beverly Crusher first reported on the USS Enterprise. Crusher assured Picard she had signed on the Enterprise-D voluntarily and not due to Picard's influence.

Jack Crusher once made a holographic recording of himself in which he explained his life and recent happenings to his son Wesley shortly after his birth. Crusher intended this to be the first in a series of messages, one every couple of years, but due to his death, only one recording was made. By the time Wesley first got to view the recording, Jack was already long dead.

Lieutenant Commander Crusher appears in the following Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes:

Guinan, played by Whoopi Goldberg, is a recurring character on Star Trek: The Next Generation. She also appears in the TNG films Star Trek Generations and Star Trek: Nemesis but is uncredited in both.

The character first appears in the second-season opening episode "The Child", and she appears several times over the course of the next four seasons; she does not appear at all in the seventh season. She is said to have the closest relationship with Jean-Luc Picard, which is "beyond friendship" and "beyond family", though the exact nature of that relationship is never revealed.

