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Luis Rey

Luis V. Rey (born 1955) is a Spanish-Mexican artist and illustrator, a 1977 graduate of the San Carlos Academy, (UNAM). He is best known for his innovative work in the field of dinosaur paleoart, for example in conjunction with Robert T. Bakker, promoting awareness of the developing evidence for feathered dinosaurs. He is an active member of the SVP (Society of Vertebrate Paleontology [1]) and of the Dinosaur Society (UK)[2]. He also works in portraiture and makes political pieces, in paint and other media. He lives with his partner Carmen in London, UK.

Rey has worked on several museum installations and exhibits, and as consultant for dinosaur modelling in other media such as the BBC television documentary Walking with Dinosaurs [3]. He has worked as a pioneer of the feathered dinosaurs debate since 1988. He has also collaborated with sculptor Charlie McGrady in the construction of a feathered Velociraptor (1997)[4], and many others. Recently he has done several talks and exhibitions for Citta Della Scienza (Naples) in collaboration with Marco Signore and in Mexico City's UNAM with Rene Hernández.

Other collaborations include Random House's bestseller Dinosaurs: The Most Complete, Up-to-Date Encyclopedia for Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages with Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.; the pop-up book Dinosaurs In The Round with Jen Green; and five books with paleontologist Robert T. Bakker.

